Registration of the Islamic Institutions (Deeni Madaris)

Deeni Maddrasshah means a religious institutions primarily for religious education and includes Jamia, Dar-ul-Uloom, Scholl, College , University or any other name set up for the purpose of primarily imparting religious education and providing boarding and lodging facilities. Under the section 21 all deeeni Madaris by whatsoever name called shall not operate without getting themselves registered under this act upt to the 31 December, 2005 and the Deeni Madris which are established after commencement of Society Registration Amended Sind Ordinance 2005 shall get themselves registered within one year of their established.

One Deeni Madarassah having more than one campus shall need only one registration. Every Deeni Madrassrah shall submit annual report of its educational activities to the Registrar. Every Deeni Madarassah shall cause to be carried out audit of its accounts by an Auditor and submit a copy of its audit report ot the Registrar. No Deeni Madarassha shall teach or publish any literature which promotes militancy or spreads sectarianism or religious hatred.

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