Pakistani Citizenship through Naturalization
Any foreigner who has been granted the naturalization certificate under naturalization Act 1926, the Federal Government register as a citizen of Pakistan under section 9 of the Pakistan Citizenship Act 1951.
The naturalization certificate can be get under section 3 of the naturalization Act 1926 on the following grounds:-
- That he is not a minor
2. That his is neither of citizen of Pakistan nor a subject of any state of which a citizen of Pakistan is prevented by or under any law from becoming subject by naturalization.
3. That he has resided in Pakistan through the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of the application and has during the seven years immediately preceding the said period of 12 months resided in Pakistan for a period amounting in the aggregate to not less than four years.
4. That he is a good character.
5. That he has an adequate knowledge of a language which has been declared by notification in the official gazette.
6. That he intends if the application is granted to reside in Pakistan or to enter or continue in the service of the State in Pakistan.
7. This law does not prevent to any person who has been issued Naturalization under the Indian Naturalization Act 1852.
A person to whom a certificate of Naturalization is issued he has to within thirty days from the date take and subscribe the Oath of Allegiance under section 6 of the Naturalization Act 1926.