Eviction of Tenant (in Cantonment Area)
Under Cantonment Rent Restriction Act 1963 the landlord/landlady can eject the tenants through Filing the application to the Rent Controller and the Rent controller may after giving the tenant a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the application make an order directing the tenants to put the landlord in possession if he is satisfied that.
1. The tenant has not paid or tendered the rent to the landlord within fifteen days of the expiry of the time fixed in the agreement of tenancy for payment of rent or in the absence of such agreement within sixty days following the period for which the rent is due or
2. The tenant has without the written consent of the landlord transferred his right under the lease or sublet the building or any portion thereof or
3. The tenant used the building for a purpose other than that for which it was leased or
4. The tenant has committed such acts as are likely to materially impair the value look or utility of the building or
5. The acts and conduct of the tenant have been a nuisance to the occupiers of buildings in the neighborhood or
6. Where the building is situated in the place other than a bill station the tenant had ceased to occupy the building for a continuous period of four months without reasonable cause or
7. The landlord intends to demolish the building for constructing a new building on the same site and has already obtained the necessary sanction for such construction from the Cantonment Board.