Deprivation of Pakistani Citizenship
A citizen of Pakistan shall cease to be citizen of Pakistan under section 16 of the Pakistani Citizenship Act 1951 if he is deprived of that citizenship by an order under the next following grounds:
a) If any person obtained his certificate of domicile or certificate of Naturalization by mean of fraud false representation or the concealment of any material fact or if his corticated of Naturalization is revoked.
b) If any person has shown himself by any act or speech to be disloyal or disaffected to the constitution of Pakistan.
c) If during a war in which Pakistan is or has been engaged unlawfully traded or communicated with the enemy or engaged in or associated with any business that was to his knowledge carried on in such a manner as to assist the enemy in that war.
d) If he has within five years being naturalized been sentenced in any country to imprisonment for not less than 12 months.
e) A person can be deprived from citizenship of Pakistan if he resided outside of Pakistan for continuous of period of seven years.